Saturday, March 14, 2020

Old Vet Meets Younger Vet While at Walmart

In the current idiotic climate of assholes panicking and hoarding, I had to go to a second Walmart today to see if I could get some things that we couldn't find at the other grocery store. I went in on the pharmacy end, and grabbed a grocery cart, and started walking down the main aisle--where the registers are--toward the grocery department. As I went into that first turn,
I looked up and saw about 30 feet in front of me a man in his late 70's pushing a cart toward me, with his wife next to him looking at the ladies clothes, and man, did i not know that glassy eyed look he had, as he just blankly looked ahead and pushed the cart as she shopped. I noticed on the man's head was an Army Korean War Veteran ball cap. As we were about to pass one another, I saw him turn and lock eyes with me, and I remembered my own hat, and realized he was looking my Combat Medic ball cap (see the photos) and right as we approached one another, he gripped the cart with his far hand, and leaned toward me, smiled and put his closest fist out. I smiled back, and put my own fist out, just as we passed one another we fist bumped.

Go Army!

Highlight of my fucking week.

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